Thursday, September 17, 2009 dat @$$!!!!


1. the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness.
2. truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
3. freedom from deceit or fraud.
4. Obsolete.

I'm starting to think that SOME people don't know the TRUE meaning of the word HONESTY! It's right there, simple and need for excuses and misinterpretations now, right?!

My last post was on TRUST and I believe that HONESTY goes hand and hand with it. Being honest with people can bring about trust. If you're in an "intimate" relationship with someone and you "claim" you love them or care about them and their feelings, BE HONEST! Don't try and hide what you're really feel so that the other person is "comfortable." Making other people comfortable and happy doesn't always mean that you'll feel the same way.

Let me give you all a great example...common one at that:

Staying in a relationship & prolonging things when you're not happy isn't good for either one of you. Not wanting to "hurt his/her feelings" is a sorry ass excuse and eventually you'll both get tired of it & each other. It's best to just keep it 100 with them at ALL times. Start letting your "partner" know what's what in the beginning, therefore in the long run there won't be as many problems or misunderstandings.

***I need to be very brusque with yall on this!!!***

FELLAS: If you're just in it for the pussy...let her know upfront! Real recognizes real & a real woman would understand & appreciate you more if you let her know what was good upfront. No need to try to be on some "good guy shit" if that's not your personality. Not saying that guys who aren't looking for MONOGAMY aren't "good" guys...ladies they are probably just not trying to get into all of that yet OR maybe they just don't want to get into that with YOU! How about that?! Cruel...harsh??? Maybe, some may it consider it to be along those lines but it's HONESTY for that ass & being straight forward about it could save you both a lot of time!!!

LADIES: We're not innocent either! Some of us are just as freaky as the fellas are IF NOT keep it 100 with the fellas as well. I'm not necessarily saying that you should just go around and have a bunch of "1 night stands," because that's not cute each their own!!! BOTTOM LINE: Treat the fellas how you'd want to be treated. If you want honesty & trust & all that other good shit..give it as well. Don't get your panties all in a bunch & start having "bf's" (bitch fits) because the guy you're REALLY interested in isn't ALL that interested in you. You have a choice in the matter...either take it for what it's worth or leave the shit alone...SIMPLE!!! Respect a guy who's honest & upfront because HE AIN'T HAVE TO TELL YOU SHIT, the fact that he chose to should give him bonus points.....IN MY OPINION! I meeeean, he could always lie to you & fill your head up with a whole lot of unnecessary bullshit that will never see the light of day, have you fall in love with a guy you REALLY don't know, have you so sick to the point where you want to give up all your family & friends & etc all for a nicca who only sees you as "pussy," and I didn't say GRADE-A PUSSY neither...just pussy he know he can get just because it's there & you allow it. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!! LMFAO.

Shouts out to da homegirl Sadjr...WHAT UUUUPPP?! *hope u enjoy! ;-)*



  1. sooo you make my day lol..always enjoy reading your blogs missy. oh and the shout outs help!! ;) lol, but for real good shit..especially the part about the females. we need to act right as well!

  2. Lol...thank u chica, I really appreciate it! Lemme know if it's anything else you think should be brought into the forefront. :)
