This may rub a few people the wrong way MUST be said!
One of my pet peeves, that I've seen close friends and/or associates do time and time again is TRY AND CHANGE THEIR MAN/WOMAN! There's no way possible that you can be successful at such an act. If you think you've lucked up...THINK AGAIN! What you see is what you get in some cases but not all....this is one time where that is indeed true. I'm not speaking on appearance either...think outside the box for a second.
If you're with someone and they're not quite what you intended for them to be, try to take the good with the bad and see how happy you are then. Don't put so much energy into what's not right and more into what IS right!
I'm sure many of you have seen the movie and/or play, 'Why Did I Get Married'....this is no different! Many relationships go through the things that those 4-5 couples went through on the regular. But it's best that you take it all in stride & keep it moving. NO ONE THAT HAS EVER WALKED GOD'S GREEN EARTH IS PERFECT...UNLESS YOU ARE JESUS CHRIST, AND I KNOW NONE OF YOU ARE!!! Like in the movie, you'll never get 100% of what you have a choice of an 80 or a 20.
We tend to overlook the 80 believing we're getting something far more when we're cheating ourselves in reality (i.e. the 20)! If you can honestly tell me that you have changed somene into being the person you wanted him/her to be YOU'VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!!! The person you are speaking of is the person he/she has always been...weak, a pushover, a coward, someone who doesn't understand individuality...plain and simple! You haven't changed them because even HE/SHE doesn't know who he/she REALLY is.
If you have to take a piece a paper & put a long line down the middle & write down your pros & cons...DO SO, some people are blind to the truth and may need a visual. There's NOTHING wrong with each their own.
If you come up short on the pros & have more cons then maybe you are lying to yourself, your standards are WAAAAY higher than they should be or...HE/SHE IS JUST NOT RIGHT FOR YOU! That doesn't make them a terrible person either, just not one that can mesh well with your personality and characteristics.
***Be HONEST with yourselves and take all of this into consideration, I hope it works out...that is all!!!***
DISCLAIMER: For mature audiences at your own risk plz & thank u!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
There's a difference between being INSECURE & extra CAUTIOUS...right???
A lil food for thought:
How many of you can say...without the shadow of a doubt, that you're not INSECURE when it comes to relationships (infidelity & all of that)...not one little bit?! I'm sure the results would be little to NONE at ALL!
It's cool because I'm not all that sure myself but I'm a positive person so I'm good right? Maaaybe NOT! What if you are a guy who has a woman that has a child or children with another man or a woman that has a man who has the same situation? (whether they're on good terms or bad terms)
Here's another, what if your mate has been in several relationships & none of them lasted (of course) and the way things ended seemed far from a mutual understanding that the two of them came to & decided to just call it quits?! Or what if, 1, 2, or ALL of his/her past partners are considered to be a really good friend of his/her?
On a scale of 1-10 what do you think your ranking would be with insecure being 10 & extra cautious being 1? Is there REALLY a difference between the two anyway? I're not just cautious you're EXTRA cautious so, is that like subconscious paranoia or something on the sneak tip??? Hmmm, I wonder?!
How many of you can say...without the shadow of a doubt, that you're not INSECURE when it comes to relationships (infidelity & all of that)...not one little bit?! I'm sure the results would be little to NONE at ALL!
It's cool because I'm not all that sure myself but I'm a positive person so I'm good right? Maaaybe NOT! What if you are a guy who has a woman that has a child or children with another man or a woman that has a man who has the same situation? (whether they're on good terms or bad terms)
Here's another, what if your mate has been in several relationships & none of them lasted (of course) and the way things ended seemed far from a mutual understanding that the two of them came to & decided to just call it quits?! Or what if, 1, 2, or ALL of his/her past partners are considered to be a really good friend of his/her?
On a scale of 1-10 what do you think your ranking would be with insecure being 10 & extra cautious being 1? Is there REALLY a difference between the two anyway? I're not just cautious you're EXTRA cautious so, is that like subconscious paranoia or something on the sneak tip??? Hmmm, I wonder?!
Regardless of the number in which you would HONESTLY rank yourself as being...what's the ONE thing that EVERY relationship MUST have in order for it to be successful??? I did a post on this a while's the FOUNDATION to ALL relationships, T R U S T!!! So if your number is kind of high...where's the TRUST, where does that put your relationship?!
Just a thought! Comments are MORE than welcome & appreciated!!! :-)
Don't Pass Up A Good Thing...
In life, we tend to always want things in particular...or so we say! If you let us tell it, we know EXACTLY what we want in the many relationships that makes our journey here on Earth so......enchanting to say the least. But is that REALLY the case, do YOU really know what you want or are you talking out your ass and in reality you have not a clue?!
If you are certain that you know what you want, I applaud you & if you're basically stuck on stupid in the "relationship" department...don't fret because you are NOT alone! Many of us tend to THINK we have it all figured out but when the time comes and everything you said you wanted is within your grasp...what do you do?! CHOKE!!! It's human nature though, to me, & it's like they say, "you think you know but you have NO idea." That's not ALWAYS the case though.
I'll use myself as an example I guess. I'm 24 but not your average 24 year old female, I'm cut from a different cloth...sorta speak. I'm very feminine but I can hang with the fellas & my upbringing was different than most. I was forced to be an adult as a child so my mentality is different & most guys my age can be considered as mature to some but I'm wiser than my years. With this being the concept, issues arise because I seem to intimidate guys. Who ME? Yeah thoughts EXACTLY!!! But that's the story of my life in a nutshell. So when the time comes for me to find my 'boo' I'm not the least bit phased by it. Prior to I'd say things like "awww, I need to find me a boo" but I wasn't all that serious, just at times when I wanted those late night 'one on one' conversations. You all know what I'm talking about right....RIGHT?!
So here comes 'boo' and I choked...well kind of. He may or may not have noticed it but I didn't quite take him seriously at first. It's not because of past relationships or anything but because of my outlook on men...not ALL but MOST! I'm thinking to myself "you can't be serious" but at the same time my conscience is saying go with the flow. I knew he was a great guy on a 'buddy/friend' level but anything more I didn't want to chance...regardless of our chemistry.
***The moral of the story is "DON'T PASS UP ON A GOOD THING!" Whether he/she is or isn't "the one" should be the LEAST of your worries, have fun...enjoy the experience that you'll get from it if nothing else. You'll NEVER know what God has in store for you at the end of that tunnel if you don't walk through it. Things may work out & they may not but are you willing to live your life in FEAR of not wanting to get your feelings hurt?! ANYTHING is possible!!!
I hope you enjoyed this and take my outlook on this topic into consideration.
If you are certain that you know what you want, I applaud you & if you're basically stuck on stupid in the "relationship" department...don't fret because you are NOT alone! Many of us tend to THINK we have it all figured out but when the time comes and everything you said you wanted is within your grasp...what do you do?! CHOKE!!! It's human nature though, to me, & it's like they say, "you think you know but you have NO idea." That's not ALWAYS the case though.
I'll use myself as an example I guess. I'm 24 but not your average 24 year old female, I'm cut from a different cloth...sorta speak. I'm very feminine but I can hang with the fellas & my upbringing was different than most. I was forced to be an adult as a child so my mentality is different & most guys my age can be considered as mature to some but I'm wiser than my years. With this being the concept, issues arise because I seem to intimidate guys. Who ME? Yeah thoughts EXACTLY!!! But that's the story of my life in a nutshell. So when the time comes for me to find my 'boo' I'm not the least bit phased by it. Prior to I'd say things like "awww, I need to find me a boo" but I wasn't all that serious, just at times when I wanted those late night 'one on one' conversations. You all know what I'm talking about right....RIGHT?!
So here comes 'boo' and I choked...well kind of. He may or may not have noticed it but I didn't quite take him seriously at first. It's not because of past relationships or anything but because of my outlook on men...not ALL but MOST! I'm thinking to myself "you can't be serious" but at the same time my conscience is saying go with the flow. I knew he was a great guy on a 'buddy/friend' level but anything more I didn't want to chance...regardless of our chemistry.
***The moral of the story is "DON'T PASS UP ON A GOOD THING!" Whether he/she is or isn't "the one" should be the LEAST of your worries, have fun...enjoy the experience that you'll get from it if nothing else. You'll NEVER know what God has in store for you at the end of that tunnel if you don't walk through it. Things may work out & they may not but are you willing to live your life in FEAR of not wanting to get your feelings hurt?! ANYTHING is possible!!!
I hope you enjoyed this and take my outlook on this topic into consideration.
Thursday, September 17, 2009 dat @$$!!!!
1. the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness.
2. truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
3. freedom from deceit or fraud.
4. Obsolete.
I'm starting to think that SOME people don't know the TRUE meaning of the word HONESTY! It's right there, simple and need for excuses and misinterpretations now, right?!
My last post was on TRUST and I believe that HONESTY goes hand and hand with it. Being honest with people can bring about trust. If you're in an "intimate" relationship with someone and you "claim" you love them or care about them and their feelings, BE HONEST! Don't try and hide what you're really feel so that the other person is "comfortable." Making other people comfortable and happy doesn't always mean that you'll feel the same way.
Let me give you all a great example...common one at that:
Staying in a relationship & prolonging things when you're not happy isn't good for either one of you. Not wanting to "hurt his/her feelings" is a sorry ass excuse and eventually you'll both get tired of it & each other. It's best to just keep it 100 with them at ALL times. Start letting your "partner" know what's what in the beginning, therefore in the long run there won't be as many problems or misunderstandings.
***I need to be very brusque with yall on this!!!***
FELLAS: If you're just in it for the pussy...let her know upfront! Real recognizes real & a real woman would understand & appreciate you more if you let her know what was good upfront. No need to try to be on some "good guy shit" if that's not your personality. Not saying that guys who aren't looking for MONOGAMY aren't "good" guys...ladies they are probably just not trying to get into all of that yet OR maybe they just don't want to get into that with YOU! How about that?! Cruel...harsh??? Maybe, some may it consider it to be along those lines but it's HONESTY for that ass & being straight forward about it could save you both a lot of time!!!
LADIES: We're not innocent either! Some of us are just as freaky as the fellas are IF NOT keep it 100 with the fellas as well. I'm not necessarily saying that you should just go around and have a bunch of "1 night stands," because that's not cute each their own!!! BOTTOM LINE: Treat the fellas how you'd want to be treated. If you want honesty & trust & all that other good shit..give it as well. Don't get your panties all in a bunch & start having "bf's" (bitch fits) because the guy you're REALLY interested in isn't ALL that interested in you. You have a choice in the matter...either take it for what it's worth or leave the shit alone...SIMPLE!!! Respect a guy who's honest & upfront because HE AIN'T HAVE TO TELL YOU SHIT, the fact that he chose to should give him bonus points.....IN MY OPINION! I meeeean, he could always lie to you & fill your head up with a whole lot of unnecessary bullshit that will never see the light of day, have you fall in love with a guy you REALLY don't know, have you so sick to the point where you want to give up all your family & friends & etc all for a nicca who only sees you as "pussy," and I didn't say GRADE-A PUSSY neither...just pussy he know he can get just because it's there & you allow it. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!! LMFAO.
Shouts out to da homegirl Sadjr...WHAT UUUUPPP?! *hope u enjoy! ;-)*
1. the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness.
2. truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
3. freedom from deceit or fraud.
4. Obsolete.
I'm starting to think that SOME people don't know the TRUE meaning of the word HONESTY! It's right there, simple and need for excuses and misinterpretations now, right?!
My last post was on TRUST and I believe that HONESTY goes hand and hand with it. Being honest with people can bring about trust. If you're in an "intimate" relationship with someone and you "claim" you love them or care about them and their feelings, BE HONEST! Don't try and hide what you're really feel so that the other person is "comfortable." Making other people comfortable and happy doesn't always mean that you'll feel the same way.
Let me give you all a great example...common one at that:
Staying in a relationship & prolonging things when you're not happy isn't good for either one of you. Not wanting to "hurt his/her feelings" is a sorry ass excuse and eventually you'll both get tired of it & each other. It's best to just keep it 100 with them at ALL times. Start letting your "partner" know what's what in the beginning, therefore in the long run there won't be as many problems or misunderstandings.
***I need to be very brusque with yall on this!!!***
FELLAS: If you're just in it for the pussy...let her know upfront! Real recognizes real & a real woman would understand & appreciate you more if you let her know what was good upfront. No need to try to be on some "good guy shit" if that's not your personality. Not saying that guys who aren't looking for MONOGAMY aren't "good" guys...ladies they are probably just not trying to get into all of that yet OR maybe they just don't want to get into that with YOU! How about that?! Cruel...harsh??? Maybe, some may it consider it to be along those lines but it's HONESTY for that ass & being straight forward about it could save you both a lot of time!!!
LADIES: We're not innocent either! Some of us are just as freaky as the fellas are IF NOT keep it 100 with the fellas as well. I'm not necessarily saying that you should just go around and have a bunch of "1 night stands," because that's not cute each their own!!! BOTTOM LINE: Treat the fellas how you'd want to be treated. If you want honesty & trust & all that other good shit..give it as well. Don't get your panties all in a bunch & start having "bf's" (bitch fits) because the guy you're REALLY interested in isn't ALL that interested in you. You have a choice in the matter...either take it for what it's worth or leave the shit alone...SIMPLE!!! Respect a guy who's honest & upfront because HE AIN'T HAVE TO TELL YOU SHIT, the fact that he chose to should give him bonus points.....IN MY OPINION! I meeeean, he could always lie to you & fill your head up with a whole lot of unnecessary bullshit that will never see the light of day, have you fall in love with a guy you REALLY don't know, have you so sick to the point where you want to give up all your family & friends & etc all for a nicca who only sees you as "pussy," and I didn't say GRADE-A PUSSY neither...just pussy he know he can get just because it's there & you allow it. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!! LMFAO.
Shouts out to da homegirl Sadjr...WHAT UUUUPPP?! *hope u enjoy! ;-)*
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Foundation to ALL Relationships....
1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.
3. a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
4. the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
5. the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
6. charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someone's trust.
7. something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility; charge.
8. (Law): a fiduciary relationship in which one person (the trustee) holds the title to property (the trust estate or trust property) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary).
All of these are definitions of the word TRUST...the last one, which pertains to law...happens to be my favorite because it kind of seems complex with the wording yet it's simple & straight to the point.
In order to have a fruitful relationship, whether it be platonic or is VERY important! Without trust in your relationship, what do you have? Trust is the foundation of ALL relationships!!! If we were speaking in terms of spirtuality, trust then too would be what? YOUR FOUNDATION! How can you believe in something or someone...put your faith in it or him/her without trusting it or him/her?!
**THINK ABOUT IT...if ANY relationship that you have or feel you may have doesn't have trust, it's destined to falter!**
~~So find out if there's trust...if so, is it real or is it just convenient for the time being?! If it's real...pray about it, see if it's worth holding on to. Real trust usually is because there's a good reason as to why the trust is evident. If the trust isn't there, then why are you?~~
>>>>>I hope this post can help someone who is in need of some answers!!!
1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.
3. a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
4. the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
5. the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
6. charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someone's trust.
7. something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility; charge.
8. (Law): a fiduciary relationship in which one person (the trustee) holds the title to property (the trust estate or trust property) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary).
All of these are definitions of the word TRUST...the last one, which pertains to law...happens to be my favorite because it kind of seems complex with the wording yet it's simple & straight to the point.
In order to have a fruitful relationship, whether it be platonic or is VERY important! Without trust in your relationship, what do you have? Trust is the foundation of ALL relationships!!! If we were speaking in terms of spirtuality, trust then too would be what? YOUR FOUNDATION! How can you believe in something or someone...put your faith in it or him/her without trusting it or him/her?!
**THINK ABOUT IT...if ANY relationship that you have or feel you may have doesn't have trust, it's destined to falter!**
~~So find out if there's trust...if so, is it real or is it just convenient for the time being?! If it's real...pray about it, see if it's worth holding on to. Real trust usually is because there's a good reason as to why the trust is evident. If the trust isn't there, then why are you?~~
>>>>>I hope this post can help someone who is in need of some answers!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
1st thing 1st....
Hello fellow bloggers/readers!
Some of you may be familiar with my other blog entitled "Pieces From Within." Anywho, this blog focus on none other than it's blog title: LESSONS IN LIFE & LOVE.....OR LACK THEREOF!
For a more formal introduction of myself...if you all would like to know more about me, feel free to hit up my other blog. (
Now, let's get down to business! I don't think that there's a better way of starting this blog off than like this (ENJOY):
Some of you may be familiar with my other blog entitled "Pieces From Within." Anywho, this blog focus on none other than it's blog title: LESSONS IN LIFE & LOVE.....OR LACK THEREOF!
For a more formal introduction of myself...if you all would like to know more about me, feel free to hit up my other blog. (
Now, let's get down to business! I don't think that there's a better way of starting this blog off than like this (ENJOY):
I love plenty girls all around the world
They come and then they go
And I wrote a manual that I wanna share
With some rules everyone should knoow
Rule number Uno:
Don't never be the fool to let your spouse be gone too long cause you knoow
That jealousy eventually leads to hatred
And the longer that you take it
It's gon turn into betrayal
Number two:
Always fall through
Stayin out all night ain't an optionYou gots to
Take it from sinatra (ok)
I den hit mad dames, while they mane (man) slackin on their game
Number three:
Never trust nobody
Ya'll big said it first
Why would I say differently
Your partners lil homies always got... else
And they only bring you stress cause they want you for they self
Number four:
Ladies let me tell you what I know
Baby you can be the baddest chick
But the average chick
Will be the one to give your man the business
And you wanna know why
Cause ya can't keep a secret
Number five:
You should never lie
Cause what's done in the dark always comes to the light
A real human being only stands by the truth
So no matter what the problem is... exactly what you do
Number six:
Fellas don't forgot your licks
If you wanna keep her 'round
Then you besta (better) go down
Brother like me kiss it goodSwear I do it like I should
Cause I know that if I don't
Another brother would
Number seven:
That sex without protection
Forget it
Ya think you ain't playin 'round witcha (with) your life, shit
Forget it
It might look good
But one night of passion is enough to have ya end up like da boy magic
Number eight:
This one is short and sweet
If god ain't in the mix, then you're headed for defeat
Number nine:
Should've been number one to me
Fellas if ya ain't sure, don't cha (you) give her no ring
Marriage is a journey that you can't take lightly
And because she got your kids that don't mean make her your wifey
Number ten:
A good rule to be found
Love is a word that you don't throw around
So if you don't love 'em, then say hell no
Cause if you don't love 'em, you need to let 'em go
Follow these rules and I promise you will win, 'member (remember) love involves sex and sex is Not sin
Religion is the pace that ya boy Johnny on, and if you try to fight this song you wrong
And when you gone
Your girl call my man tyrone
Heard in one week
She gave da (the) boy a key to her home
Heard she ain't thinking bout ya while we out at the palms
Gotta go, gotta go, soo lifers I'm goone... !
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